How Do You Ask for a Fundraiser Donation

Thanks to technology, asking for donations from donors and prospects doesn’t have to be a costly affair. You can send donation appeals with just the click of a button and your email is one of the best ways to go about it. Leveraging technology to seek donations also offers a great way for you to update prospects and donors about your projects (both current and future). So, how do you ask for a fundraiser donation?

How Do You Ask for a Fundraiser Donation

This article highlights some of the tips and tricks you can use to ask for an important fundraiser donation. While most strategies are for email and online donations, some of them can be implemented for other types of donations such as in-person asks.

Create Eye-Catching Subject Lines

Most people receive countless emails every day. While you can’t physically prevent your recipients from moving your emails to the trash folder, you can use an eye-catching subject line to decrease the chances that they’ll do so. Avoid boring, vague headlines and focus on subject lines that tell the recipient what’s being asked of them and what the money will go toward.

Don’t Wait to Ask

When making in-person asks, for example, it helps to be slow and steady. When asking for donations via email, on the other hand, the earlier the better. Get straight to the point and try to make your ask within the first two paragraphs. Make sure the appeal is easy to see and give donors clear action items right off the bat. You want donors to immediately understand that they’re being invited to a fundraising event and being asked to make financial contributions.

Explain and DescribeHow Do You Ask for a Fundraiser Donation

Bear in mind that, at its core, any communication is an appeal. As such, you’ll need to provide more information for those who are new to your organization. Be sure to include:

  • Who you serve
  • The work you do
  • What specific initiatives or projects their donations will go toward
  • Any other relevant details or insights

You don’t need to give donors a background history of your organization at this point, rather get to the point and only include information that will encourage recipients to give to your cause.

Keep It Personal

It’s crucial to bear in mind that donors are individuals and you should treat them as such. Avoid generalities and blank statements. Instead, personalize your communications. One of the best ways to personalize emails is to segment your donors. For instance, donors who have given to your organization repeatedly should receive a different email from another who has just started volunteering with you.

Provide Links and Ways to Give

Be sure to give your donors the means to donate somewhere in the email. You could give it as a “Donate Now” button or Link anchored in the body of the email, for example. Alternatively, you can give a number they can call to donate over the phone or an address that they can send a check to. You’re better off if you have more ways for donors to get to your donation page.

Bottom Line

The tips mentioned should help you answer the question: How do you ask for a fundraiser donation. It’s also important to keep in mind that people like to know that their contributions are appreciated. Express your appreciation by saying thank you once you’ve received donations as that helps to ensure you’ll receive donations in the future.

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