According to Orkin and their termite statistics, over half a million homes in the U.S. alone get damaged by termites. On average property owners are not aware that that a propery’s backyard is where termites can colonize and make a living space first, making them hard to get rid of when reaching the property. Before matters get worse, learn quick signs to discover termites in your yard.
If you think termites might be present in your yard or property, there are some signs to be aware of. Termite poop, hollow wood, and rotting wood are some of the more common known signs of termites. From online home and pest control exerpts, the following list are common starting points to see if termites are present.
Signs of Termites in Yard
Termite Poop
Frass looks like salt and pepper. If there is a pile of this kind of mixture found outside near the base of your home or by the base of a tree, this could be a give away of where termites are originating.
Termite Wings
After a termite mates, it sheds its wings either right away, within a few hours or a couple of days after mating. Finding small translucent wings can possibly lead you towards a swarm or a trail to find where the termites are laying their eggs.
Hollow Wood

This is the easiest test that homeowners usually say is very accurate a majority of the time. If you knock on a tree in your yard or on the wooden parts of the exterior wall near the foundation of the home and it sounds hollow or empty, then it is possible that termites have infested and attacked the inside already.
Mud Tunnels
When termites are having a difficult time finding their way through a material like brick or concrete to get to their desired destination, termites can form a tunnel with mud, frass and saliva. These can usually be found by the base or foundation of the home.
Some termites make nests that look similar to a large muddy cocoon or a mosquitoes nest that is attached to a tree.
Dead Wood
Termites will initially be attracted to wood or moist wood debris that is close to the home. If there are piles of firewood or dead tree trunks near the home, be sure to check these and remove the ones that are infested by termites and kill the termites via flame.

Rotting Wood
Wood that has been exposed to moisture and bacteria really appeal to the appetite of termites. Be sure to check door and window frames that can be exposed to wet weather. Gutters that leak on the roof or home exterior can cause wood to rot on the home and need to be repaired. If the home has a pool, fountain or any water features outside, the surrounding areas need to be checked, especially if there is wood, soil or both. Learn how to check if wood has signs of rotting.
Electric Homes
Any exterior fuse boxes or electrical fixtures are common hiding places for termites. Open and examine fuse boxes, meters, electrical lines, exterior outlets or pipes for air conditioning for wings, frass or swarmers.
To Summarize
Termites have a will and they will find a way when they sense that food or a new home is near. Looking for signs of termites in the yard and living spaces will help you better identify their presence and activity.
Termites in House?
Regularily check your property for termites is more common than you think. Once termites infitrate the property, damage can be excel to an alarming rate, making repairs and extermination more costly and prolong the timeline to complete the job.